Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Corrections to my 2nd Article

After receiving feedback from my assessor and focus group I decided that this was the article that needed the most improving. My focus group told me that the image was “disappointing and “let the rest of the magazine down”. My main priority for improving this article was to focus on the imagery. I booked a photo shoot at the college’s photo studio. I then organized for one of my friends to be model; I booked at time in the photo studio when we were both free. I wanted the images to be simple so I didn’t include any props or outfits. I took several shots of my model stood up and sat down, so that I had a variety of images to choose from. I used an even lighting when taking my photos I did this by using several light boxes and a DSLR camera. I enjoyed doing the photo shoot as I got a range of in focus images that would help my article. We had a lot of freedom in the photo shoot I felt relaxed as there wasn’t anyone watching, I therefore was able to give my model clear instructions without being embarrassed. My model also felt more at ease doing the photo shoot with no one watching, this made the photos look more natural. After hearing some feedback from my peers they said that the new imagery “really improved e article” and made it look “really vibrant and youthful”. They also mentioned that the imagery “invited you into the article and made you want to read the text”.

Other changes I made to the article were I decreased the size of the mast head as my assessor said it was “a waste of space”. I agree that it looks more effective with a smaller font and I used the extra space to show my imagery. 

I also removed the previous image tat I ad and made the second page entirely dedicated to the text. So I increased the text size to 11.5pt. This made the text easier to read as some of my focus group said they “had difficultly reading the text”. I also changed the font as my assessor said the font wasn’t consistent with the feel of my magazine. I changed it from Times New Roman to Calibri and I feel that this change has made the article feel more youthful than it was previously. 

As I received positive feedback about the interview itself I decided not o change any of the text. After reading the interview my focus group said they thought the article “has a really positive feel” and “it makes you want to start Kayaking”. I feel that the changes I have made to the article have really improved it and made the magazine feel much more consistent is quality.

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