Friday, 11 January 2013

Monitoring Log - Week Beginning 07/01/12

My schedule has been organised into 7 weeks that I have to complete Unit 5. Each week has been divided into the 4 lessons that I have. I have done this so that I know exactly what I am doing in each lesson and can focus on a specific task. I believe that my schedule is realistic for me because I have allocated lots of time to do each task. I think that I will be able to keep up with the schedule each week.

I have left a full lesson at the end of my schedule for contingency time in case anything goes wrong, e.g. if I lose my memory stick or my models don’t turn up. I can also use some of my frees to do extra work in case I fall behind for any reason. I have allocated contingency time so that I can definitely reach the deadline on Friday 15th February. 

The big challenges with my schedule are going to be working with InDesign and Photoshop. I’m not as confident working on these programs, so I have left plenty of time to create my project so that it will reach the deadline. 

This week I was scheduled to use two lessons to create my schedule and fill in what I had to do each lesson in detail, I also had to organise folders for my fonts and downloads all the necessary fonts that I need for my production onto the appropriate computers. I was also schedules to start looking and recording down what cmyk colour codes I will be using.

This week I have stuck to my schedule well I have completed my schedule in detail and have downloaded all the appropriate fonts onto the computer that I use. Here is a screen shot of the 7 different fonts that I have downloaded; I have put them into a separate folder for unit 5 fonts so that I can easily find them.

I have also collected the cmyk codes for the colours I am using through my articles. I have collected 11 colour codes and clearly labelled them on a word document so that I know what article I need them for. 

Over the weekend I am going to collect the props I need for my first photo shoot that I am doing in a few weeks. 

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